Monday, November 12, 2012

November 2012

           October started out with General Conference as always. I really enjoyed listening to the talks given. I enjoyed being at home to watch as well because I’m much more comfortable on my couch than on the chairs at the church. There were several talks that really spoke to me. I think Megan’s favorite was by Elder Nelson who kept saying “Ask the missionaries, they can help you.” She liked it enough to put it as her Facebook status. I was actually a little surprised that she watched it as she was babysitting all day long. She even had the kids join her for a little bit here and there. I asked her if it was a challenge in seminary and she told me that she had just wanted to. I was pretty happy to hear that let me tell you.

I have not enjoyed missing mutual all month long. I will miss November all month as well. December 5th is my last Wednesday night class for a few months and I’m glad about that. I wish I could figure out a way around it, but sadly there doesn’t seem to be one. I just registered for classes for the winter quarter and all the classes are in the late afternoon or evening again. I guess I’m going to have to accept that as the way things will be until I graduate in 2015. I’m looking forward to that day and wish it was already here.

The classes haven’t been too amazing with the exception of science. That has been a very interesting and enjoyable class which I’m grateful for because it’s the one I’m missing mutual to attend. My math class is frustrating me to no end as I keep being assigned homework that we haven’t gone over in class. I spent six hours doing that last Saturday and finally gave up and copied the answers from the back of the book. I don’t like it at all. I will be putting that on her evaluation. It’s completely ineffective and wastes my time. Another class is theory of reading and I felt like I’ve only learned something one time. I hate that my time is being wasted by attending the actual class. I spoke to the dean about that and it’s also going on the evaluation. I’m glad I can evaluate each of my teachers. I’ve never really said much negative about any of them so I’m rather disturbed to have to say bad things about two of them this time. I’ve had the math teacher before and there wasn’t a problem, but this time it’s been bad. The whole class feels the same way as I do for both classes, so at least I know I’m not alone.

Although October was a very busy month for me it was all pretty much school. I had a practicum for one of my classes, which is similar to an internship, but not as long and I didn’t get paid. I had to work 90 hours in a preschool setting. I did that in Battle Creek. Last Friday was my last day doing that. Now all I have to do is all the paperwork that goes along with the class. I have to write up six lesson plans that I taught and then journal about some different topics. Last Monday the part-time teacher was let go. I’ve applied for the position as it works out very well with my schedule for school. As far as I can tell it would be 8am-1pm Monday through Friday. I’m now substituting there. I’m excited to get paid to do that. I don’t know how long it will be before they decide. From talking to the director there are three possible candidates including myself. She might hire outside, but she likes to take from the substitute pool and there are three of us. I’m keeping my fingers crossed because it would be good for me to have some money coming in. It wouldn’t solve all our problems, but it would sure help out a great deal.

I went to the temple by myself. I don’t really ever want to try that again. I didn’t enjoy the streets and highways of Detroit. The GPS was nice, but it would have been better if I hadn’t needed to do it on my own. Andrew had to work that day so he wasn’t able to come with me. I went because Dave Snowberger from Battle Creek got his endowment taken out and then he and his wife Deb were sealed. They mean a lot to me and I really wanted to be there. I missed the session after getting lost (sort of), but I was there for the sealing and that was more important anyway.

Andrew’s first class ended. He got an A- and was glad to get it. He has two classes now and is having more trouble keeping up with it. He isn’t working as much now though as they cut his overtime almost completely off and so that’s helping in that area. Sadly it’s not doing us any favors on the financial end of things. He went on a really enjoyable campout last weekend. He didn’t get much sleep, but he did enjoy the activities and such. It was about search and rescue. Apparently that’s a merit badge the boys can earn. They did most of it there and now they will finish it at scouts in a week or so.

My foot and ankle still bother me to some extent. I can wear most any shoe that’s flat though so I’m making progress. I haven’t gotten any further than that for several weeks though. I still have trouble with bruising of my foot near my toes and my ankle swelling up badly. Other than that I can do most anything as long as I don’t stay on it too long.

It’s nice to be home this morning. I cleaned up the kitchen pretty good and even managed to clean the microwave and sink area which were in pretty bad shape. I forgot the toaster oven till it was too late so that will have to just stay dirty until I decide to clean up again. I would like to do that this week sometime. I guess we’ll see what happens.

I got some new pants this month and went crazy and got some purple pants and a dark red berry color. I have no idea what I was thinking since I’ve always worn gray, black, tan, brown and blue. I feel odd wearing them, but apparently I don’t look too bad as I don’t get comments from anyone. It’ll take some time to get used to I guess.

I’ve had some trouble with vertigo again. I had it really bad a few years ago for two months or so. This time it’s not putting me in bed which I’m very thankful for. I found an exercise online called the Epley maneuver which really helps me with it. Apparently once you have it you are subjected to relapses now and again. This wasn’t exactly exciting news for me, but at least I know how to work with it.

We didn’t do Halloween at all. We put up some decorations, but we didn’t dress up or go to the activity at the church. Andrew was working, Megan didn’t feel well and I sure didn’t want to go alone, so we all missed it.

Megan got her first report card and did very well in her classes. Her favorite class besides math is seminary. She enjoys it a lot and never complains about getting  up early to get there on time. She has been walking but I think I’ll start taking her over in the mornings so that she is a little safer in getting there. She doesn’t like her health class but is glad it’s the last one she has to take. She just had to bring home a fake baby that has some computer programming in it and that was NOT fun. We had it over the weekend and were very glad to send it back this morning. It was supposed to be realistic, but it really wasn’t. I like real babies, I hated that thing. At least we’re done with it though and I’m glad!

I guess that’s about all. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We will have the missionary here, which has become our tradition. It works well since they don’t have anywhere to go and neither do we. I’m trying to complete 800 indexing names before the end of the year. Yesterday I passed my half-way mark. I’m behind what I planned which was 100 names each month for eight months. Now I’m trying to really get on the ball and do about 100 a week to catch up. It’s pretty fun to do overall though I don’t enjoy it when I can’t figure out what in the world was written.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

October 2012

Hello Everyone,

Fall is such a busy time, but the weather is so nice and the leaves on the trees so beautiful. That is one of the many reasons I love to be in Michigan-there are real seasons! In Arizona, the leaves just turn brown and fall off the tree, there is nothing beautiful about it. Raking leaves isn’t much fun I will grant you, but we have learned to just mow them and they turn to mulch and we don’t have to worry about them molding or anything. So much easier.

                After falling and hurting myself on August 21st (my ankle and foot were sprained very badly) I stayed down for several weeks. I’m finally starting to do better, but I still have to be careful. I noticed this morning that apparently I’ve done something to it yet again because it’s hurting today and was pretty swollen last night. I think it’s because at times I put my foot up on my tip-toes when sitting and it’s not a good thing for my foot yet. I have to remind myself not to do that. It was impossible when I would put it up, but when I have it down it’s harder. I also can’t stand for long periods of time yet without causing some problems, but the time I can spend on my feet has improved greatly and I usually don’t exceed the limit. I am however able to wear more than one pair of shoes, which was getting really old. I’m still working my muscles often and mostly everything is fine, but when I put my foot in the position it was while twisting and falling it’s still quite painful. Now that it’s been about six weeks I can only think about how I’d be healed completely had I broken it. Still, I can’t complain about not having to wear a cast. That makes it easier to deal with.

                I started working on next year’s calendar for Church. I make one for me, for Andrew and for the building schedule. Much of it is copy and paste, but there is a lot of information that I need to put up on there and it takes quite a lot of time. I figured since I couldn’t do much else, I could sit and use the computer, which worked out quite well.

                I also did a lot of sewing, though I think I might have been pushing my foot on that one because I couldn’t do it for long periods of time (at that point). I fixed all the stuff that had been piling up first. I made several shirts (can’t remember how many now), a dress, and a skirt (I think-but maybe it was just adjusting a skirt to make it smaller around the waist and shorter). I also shortened a few dresses that were way too long which I had gotten for cheap on clearance and then made some headbands from the extra material. Then I made some bags for grocery shopping which hardly get used because I don’t remember them until after I’ve gotten out of the store. Finally I made a tablecloth and some napkins for a friend who is getting married. It was a busy sewing month!

                School began again for Megan and Andrew had a short introductory course that he did for three weeks. Megan is loving marching band and although she has a lot of practices to attend she is glad she stuck with it. Apparently they are planning to go somewhere next year on tour and then Disneyworld in her Senior year. I hope I get to chaperone that trip with Andrew as well because we’ve never been able to go and had thought that we might go on vacation there at the end of her Senior year anyway. I guess we’ll see. That’s much too far away to plan on who is chaperoning and who isn’t at this point. I think her favorite class is Seminary. I don’t think she enjoys getting up so early, but she has come to terms with it. She is excited to go each day as near as I can tell and that’s the class we talk about the most often. I’m glad that she is enjoying it enough to already be working on recruiting those who will have the option to attend next year. I hope the enthusiasm from her is enough to get them to come. She has been working diligently on several goals that she has set for herself for the school year. Others she has not been so good about, but I think she is making good progress on the most important ones.

                We went to Stake Standards Night and had a really good time listening to the speakers. I was amazed at how much I enjoyed it because the talks were directed to the youth, but I felt so much like they were talking directly to me. What a blessing the Lord has given us in personal revelation. I spoke on the 23rd in Sacrament Meeting and for the first time in I don’t know how long, I didn’t cry! I was so surprised by it and also quite grateful. I think it helped that I wrote my talk about two weeks before I gave it and then didn’t look at it again until I was up in front to give it. It was on focusing on the temple and I think it went pretty well. A few people told me they enjoyed it, which was nice to hear. We also had our YW in Excellence. It went really well and we were blessed to hear from President Peterson (Branch President), President Montross (1st Counselor in the Stake Presidency) and Sister Loso (2nd counselor in the Stake YW Presidency). I felt very lifted by their words. We had a fireside that Brother Draut came and spoke at as well. He spoke on symbolism in the scriptures. He is the head of CES in our area so this was no small thing. He followed up his fireside with over 30 attachments to emails that I received and will forward to the youth and others who attended. Then on the 29th we had the General Relief Society Meeting and I again felt inspired and lifted by all that was said. What a rich blessing I had in September!

                School started again for me on the 24th. I ended up dropping a 4 credit class, Geography, because the textbook is new and I didn’t want to pay for a new one. I will take it in the next set of classes and will be able to get it used. That is a much more reasonable price to pay. That gives me only 18 credit hours this quarter. I was worried about too much homework, but it hasn’t been bad so far. I’ve been working hard though because I want to get as much done as possible before I start doing the 90 hours at a preschool that I have to get done this quarter. I have about a week before I start that I’m guessing. It will be the middle of October and that will leave me little to no time for homework so I’m glad that I won’t have much of it to do at that point.

                I went and saw the doctor this week. He said that all my blood work turned out fine. Some of the numbers are not ideal, but everything is in normal range. I was glad to hear it. He did talk to me seriously about my weight and we made a goal for me to lose about 25 lbs. before I go back to see him in April. I am glad that he cares enough to talk to me about it. I think I will like going to him, even though I miss the woman I used to see (she moved out of town and doesn’t want to commute an hour each way every day). She was good and very kind.

                I have been realizing that I’m finally starting to know quite a few people around town. This feels good to me because we’ve been here three years this month and I knew practically nobody when we got here. Now I see people occasionally that I actually know and that feels good to me. I’m surprised at how many I have gotten to know through Relay for Life, school things (mine and Megan’s academic classes) and now band. I’m still far from where I wish I were, but it’s good to know I’m getting somewhere with it.

                On the 1st we made a trip to Paw Paw and surprised Elder Peel who served here some time ago and took he and his companion (who knew about it) out to dinner. We had a good time catching up and getting to know his companion a little. Elder Peel meant a lot to us as he served here for six months roughly and was in our home a lot during that time. Also, he meant a lot to us because he happens to be Sheri’s cousin, and Sheri is one of my best friends from back home. We missed him while he was gone and were so excited that he was close enough to go and have dinner with him one last time. We have enjoyed many missionaries over the last three years and we are glad to have the chance to get them here again for Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve, which has become our tradition. We have nobody else to spend it with and neither do they, so we do it together.

                I got about three inches of my hair cut off trying to get the layers to be less bothersome. I can’t believe how much I miss those three inches and how much nobody else can even tell they are gone! I’ve had so many layers and also some face framing (the front of my hair was MUCH shorter than the rest) and I’m trying to get it all much closer to the same length like it used to be. I’ve decided I don’t like having so many layers. Every now and then I think about growing out my bangs, but I just don’t like the way I look, so I keep trimming them up.

                I got my official mission call to serve as the group leader for the Addiction Recovery Program in our branch. My mission began on July 1st and will go for I believe three years. This is an amazing program that I barely knew existed before I came out here. It really helps me to understand the Atonement better and is helping me to make positive changes in my life. I’m still far from perfect, but I keep working on improving myself each day and that’s all I can do.

My most recent at-home project is to reload all of our music and audio CD’s into iTunes again. Something happened and we lost A LOT of the files being able to play. The files were all there, but they wouldn’t all play, so I’m working on that. It’s a slow process and it can be frustrating at times, but when I’m done I think it will be completely worth it. I sure do hope so.

I’m listening to Jesus the Christ by James E. Talmage right now. I wish I was retaining even half of what I’m hearing. I like to listen to things as I drive back and forth to school and I do that four times a week. That’s four hours of travel for me and I’m going through it pretty quickly. I also listen to it as I get ready in the morning or run errands. It helps me keep focused on what’s really important.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 2012

Hello again to everyone,

August came and went and somehow I feel like it nearly went right by me without passing. I wonder why it is that time goes so quickly for me all the time now. I remember when I used to have time to relax and enjoy things once in a while, but those times seem less frequent as I age. I hope that it’s because I’m in school and that when school is over and I’ve finally graduated I will feel less rushed. I don’t hold much hope for it, but I do have some. Either way, I try to enjoy life as it comes, even if it’s in the form of a speeding train. Haha

July 29th through August 1st was band camp. That seems so long ago it’s hard to believe it’s only been a month. Anyway, I was very busy with band camp. I got up early and went down and helped prepare and then serve and clean-up breakfast for about 100 people and then when I finished that I went shopping Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for additional supplies we would need. I can’t believe how much food they bought and used. It was fun getting to know more people and next year I will miss the couple whose place I am taking. I usually stayed to help with lunch preparations and on Friday I went back to help with dinner. Band camp is one busy place. We had lots of obstacles to overcome, but we managed. On Monday I also helped to get uniforms out to everyone. That was interesting as well because nearly everyone that had a uniform last year no longer fit their uniform, so we had to keep changing sizes for everyone. It was good to have a starting place though.

The day after band camp, the 4th, we had a youth temple trip to the Detroit temple. I always love to go with the youth to the temple. We have amazing youth and I’m so blessed to work with them. It was the first time I have ever driven myself to the temple. Andrew has always  driven before, but this time he was driving another car. I prefer him driving. It wasn’t too bad, but I got really confused as to where I was supposed to be for which turn sometimes and GPS can only help so much. Still, we got there without too much difficulty.

On the 12th Megan entered her chicken into the County Fair open class division. Andrew took her down while I went to an interview with President Witt. Imagine my surprise when I got a text saying she had taken first place. Then another text that told me she also won Best in Show. I couldn’t believe it. Now we’ll never get rid of that chicken until she dies naturally. I’m not really sure how I feel about it. Megan was one proud young woman. She told everyone about it and I’m not sure how many people she showed her to as we were at the fair helping at the booth for the branch. I almost felt like I needed to reign her in and had to keep reminding her that while that was wonderful, she needed to remember there were only two chickens to choose from. She is so funny at times. I still think it was great for her. She is planning to get involved in 4H next year, so the competition will be a little higher. I find myself wondering how we’re going to fit one more thing in, but apparently we’re going to have to. I hope when I get to the other side of life that I’ll be less busy.

On the 19th we had one last dinner with Elder Harndon before he went home. We miss the elders when they leave us. They feel a lot like family to us.

On the 21st I got my hair dyed (I just can’t stand not to be blonde) and then that evening I went over to a friend’s house to help move a few things around. While we were doing that I fell down the last two stairs (which is what I get for carrying something when I know I shouldn’t because I fall so often) and got a really bad sprained ankle and foot. Of course, it was my right foot. I thought it was broken actually (my foot). We figured the swelling was too much to do anything that night, so Andrew took me to the urgent care the next morning. They wrote a prescription for a boot after looking at the x-rays and telling me nothing was broken as far as they could tell. I was on crutches for three days and the boot for about a week. I went back for a check-up and they did more x-rays which he checked several times for me and again confirmed nothing was broken. My ankle is much better, though I still limp when I walk. My foot is healing much slower and sadly I can’t put anything on it due to the pain level. This leaves me one pair of shoes, but I’m glad I’m wearing shoes rather than the boot. I can’t be on my foot much or even have it down on the ground because when I do the swelling begins, both my ankle and my foot. It’s getting quite old, but I’m still so glad that nothing is broken I’m trying not to complain. Megan isn’t enjoying all the help she is forced to give me, but she doesn’t complain too often or too loud for which I’m grateful.

While at Meijer’s in Jackson on the way home from school one night I found some really cute dresses on sale for only $14. I eventually bought three of them for me and another three for another person who then paid me back. I loved that I found them so inexpensive! I have to wear something underneath since the top isn’t modest, but I already have shirts for that so it wasn’t a problem.

Speaking of school, I am finished with my summer classes. I have a nice break (thank goodness) until September 20th, when I start an online class. It’s only six weeks, so I’ll be done with it about half-way through my other classes which begin on the 24th. I have a busy schedule, but thankfully one of the classes I already know I’ll never have homework for. As you can imagine, this is great news for me. I have five classes including the online class, but I may end up dropping one if my foot doesn’t heal up before the 24th as it will require me to be on my feet a great deal and that’s not something I can do right now. I got another set of A’s which I was glad to see of course.

Megan is officially at her first day of high school and I officially can’t believe I have a child old enough to be there. It seems like I just graduated maybe five years ago and can only be old enough to have a two-year-old at most. Life goes so quickly. She was quite nervous about today, especially since she wasn’t able to walk around and get a feel for where her classes were going to be. It looked like she will have them all close together though and that’s a really good thing. I hope she’ll enjoy being in high school and make the most of it. Yesterday we sat down and she came up with some goals that she wants to accomplish. She will have to work hard, but I think she’ll notice that it pays off in the end. She just gave a talk at church and did a really good job with it. I wasn’t happy that she waited so long to write it, but I’m glad she did a good job with it.

Andrew is working all kinds of hours right now. Last week he worked nearly 60 hours. We are trying to catch up on bills and sadly that involves lots of overtime. I’m not sure how much it would matter though because his workload is so heavy he would probably be doing a bunch of overtime anyway. I don’t feel to complain about this though because he enjoys what he does. I’m SO grateful that I can finally say that. It’s wonderful to know that he is happy in his work. It has been a long time since that was true. The week I got hurt, he nearly did. He was about 20 feet up in a basket doing some work and a careless forklift driver hit the base of his basket. The impact was enough that it bent one of the forks on the forklift, the other only hitting a tire so it didn’t bend. The forklift literally bounced back several feet from the impact and all of Andrew’s things went flying about 15 feet out of the basket. Gratefully the position he was in was basically holding onto the basket and the worst part for him was an area of sore skin where he rubbed quite forcefully at impact. Nobody was hurt, though they did send the forklift driver home because he wasn’t following safety precautions like he should have. After everyone could see Andrew was all right, they started telling all kinds of jokes at work. The jokes continued when Andrew accidentally pushed a rod into another person’s forehead the next week. They were hanging a camera and one person was on the outside and another was on the inside. Andrew gently pushed a rod through the exterior wall and the other person thought it was going to be elsewhere and ended up with the rod in his forehead. The impact wasn’t hard, but it was enough to make the guy bleed all over his face while he got down from the ladder to put a band-aid on it. Needless to say it was another source of jokes.

Andrew also started going to Baker College, but his degree will be online only. He will be reimbursed for his tuition costs by Tenneco and we are very grateful for that. We still have to buy his books, but that’s not so bad. We’ve discovered renting textbooks which is so much cheaper than buying them.

Well I think that’s about all. I’m glad that the summer heat is over and we’re moving into fall, which I love. I’m sad that summer is over though because I felt like I never really got to enjoy it. I did some really fun things though so that’s all right. Life is more about making the best out of what happens than it is about vacations all summer long. I hope your summer was great and that you find yourself ready for the next thing that life will bring you.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

August 2012

Hi Everyone,

I can’t believe July is already over. I spent most of it trying to catch my breath! I was glad for the break on the 4th as we celebrated the Declaration of Independence, especially since it seems like it was the only break I got.

The 11th-14th was Stake Youth Conference. I had so much fun going to Nauvoo with the youth from our branch. I wish that I had more of them as part of my temporary family that I was assigned to. I was grateful that there were a few more on the bus we rode. I found myself singing a lot with those who sat up front. I also got to talk quite a bit to our bus driver, Larry. He was a very nice man and it was enjoyable getting to know him. On Wednesday night we spent the night as a YW group from Marshall together and that was very fun. We got very little sleep, but I think we all knew that was going to happen to begin with. On the 12th we left for Nauvoo very early in the morning (I think it was 6am) and we did all kinds of fun things through the 14th when we left to come home. We went to the Nauvoo pageant, we went to the Country Fair there, we watched a short musical presentation at the visitor’s center called “High Hopes and Riverboats” which was amazing, we did baptisms for the dead in the Nauvoo Temple (so amazing!), toured a few of the homes and businesses around old Nauvoo, ate lots of good food, visited Carthage, had a testimony meeting and I’m not sure what else. It was packed pretty solidly. By Saturday we were pretty worn out from lack of sleep and having so much activity. In fact the last few hours in Nauvoo a good chunk of those with us just sat around and tried to keep from getting too hot. We got back very late, but were grateful for the chance we had to go. What a privilege it is to work with and serve the young women in the Marshall branch!

The following week I attempted to breath before plunging into Relay for Life. It didn’t seem to work very well, but I gave it a good try anyway. Relay was busy. Our branch raised about $1000 and that made it a success. I don’t know if we will do Relay again however as not many people seemed to want to come and assist us. Since it’s supposed to be a branch activity there is no point in trying to do it if they don’t wish to. I will still be involved in Relay one way or another, but we shall see what the next few months of discussion bring.

The next day, the 22nd was Branch Conference. I enjoyed it, but I was so tired that I don’t really remember much of what was said. I was doing well just to be at Church in my opinion so I hope the things I listened to will be brought to my remembrance as I need them in the future.

That week I concentrated on getting my schoolwork done. I had done few to no assignments in either of my classes which fortunately for me didn’t matter because the instructor doesn’t care when they are turned in as long as it’s before the class ends. I wrote around 11 lesson plans that week and was supposed to do 12, but I couldn’t figure out what to do for the last one. I will work on doing that on Monay.

Beginning on the 29th was Marshall Band camp. I am on the committee to make that happen so I spent a great deal of time at the school all week long. I will be replacing a couple whose son graduates next June so I was busy trying to learn what they do so that I can do it next year. At first I thought I was going to be able to do it myself, but I realized that I’m going to need at least some help from Andrew. Poor guy always gets drug into whatever I volunteer for.

Today we had a youth temple trip to Detroit. It was hard to get out of bed. I thought I would try to get some sleep on the way over and back, but ended up driving while Andrew drove someone else’s car. Gratefully I didn’t end up being drowsy until the very end when we were dropping off the other car. I always enjoy going to the temple and today was no exception. We took a nap when we got home and that was nice as well.

I bought several cuts of fabric over a month ago that I have yet to be able to do anything with. I’m hoping that this month I’ll get the chance to do some sewing. I wanted to make some new shirts. One of the fabrics I might turn into a skirt though-it just keeps telling me that’s what I should do with it. I’m surprised that fabric can talk-but this one is really doing just that. I keep trying to tell it that I want it to be a shirt, but it tells me that I should make it a skirt and it will be cuter. I think I’m going to give in. It’s a very pretty stripe and I don’t mind having it as a skirt or as a shirt. I think it might be saying something about my level of exhaustion to know that I’m losing a battle against some fabric. Hahaha

I guess that’s about it. I’m glad that I’m nearly done with my schoolwork for the summer. I have only a few classes left and that too is nice. I will also enjoy a few weeks of not having class to attend before I start back into the fall semester the end of September. I’m also glad that all the really big things for summer are over. I will be very busy in the fall semester as I am taking 22 credit hours. Good grief, sometimes I wonder what I’m thinking. I just want to finish school so much and move onto doing something with my degree.

Andrew is very busy with his job. He is in the beginning stages of joining me at Baker, sort of. He is going to be doing his degree online instead of on-campus. I don’t remember what he picked for a degree anymore, but I’m glad to see him moving forward. Hopefully he will not have too many classes to take once his degrees transfer over.

Megan has enjoyed a busy summer and all that came with it. We register her for high school on the 20th. I can’t believe she is in high school. Soon she will be eligible to learn to drive. Another sign of her growing up all too fast. She is such a joy for both Andrew and I but we are sad to know that our time at home with her is swiftly coming to a close. She is a wonderful daughter and so thoughtful of all around her. We love her very much and are proud of all she does that is good and right.

I better go for now. I hope you are able to enjoy summer a great deal.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 2012

Hello Everyone,
June was a whirlwind for me. I can see that July probably will be as well. Perhaps it was the busyness of May, I don’t know. I had three final presentations due on the 4th/5th for school. That might also have been part of it. I did finish my classes and did well again, all A’s. I am always relieved when I get my report card and that’s what it shows. I work really hard to do that and it’s good to see that it was worth the effort.

I gave a lesson on the Addiction Recovery Program on June 3rd during the Priesthood and Relief Society combined meeting. Dave and Deb Snowberger  helped me. I think it went well. I now serve as the group leader for the Marshall group. I have yet to be called officially, because I have to turn in Church-Service Missionary paperwork for my call to be extended, but I’m functioning in that capacity already. I’m so grateful for the program and the way it has really helped me to see some addictions and problems in my own life, but more importantly it has helped me to better understand how to use the Atonement more effectively in my own life. I can’t really imagine where I would be today without it. I talked about some of the many misconceptions that people have about the program-one of which is that it should only take 12 weeks to complete the program since there are 12 steps, but anyone with an addiction or other serious problems knows that it takes a long time to overcome something so huge and in some ways we are never free as long as we are still living. Satan works so hard on us and really knows how to get to each of us.

June 6th was Megan’s last day of school. She also did very well in her grade report. Most importantly though I saw a major improvement in her effort the 2nd half of school. I wanted to see that very badly because I knew she wasn’t doing her best before.

On the 16th the entire mutual took a 34-mile bike ride from Kalamazoo to South Haven. It’s a state park trail. They had lots of fun. I rode only four miles, as I was a support vehicle driver, but I enjoyed myself overall. I had hoped to get more of my book read, but I didn’t and that was all right. When we got finished it started raining and by the time we got to the beach and settled in to some degree it really started to come down. We even had hail for a few minutes. We had planned to bbq some hot dogs and have chips and such for dinner, but the grill hadn’t been put away properly and the piece to connect the propane tank was missing. We ended up getting Little Ceasar’s pizza. Not my favorite, but we were all hungry and it was cheap. Finally the rain stopped about the time we got the pizza so after the youth ate we let them play on the beach for awhile before heading home.

 I spent a great deal of time in June working on Girls’ camp stuff. I did the crafts there this year and when I wasn’t busy there I was helping in the kitchen. I love going to camp, but it sure does wear me out. We ended up painting bricks mostly. They were meant to be princesses to go along with the theme. It was lots of fun and I enjoyed the people the most because I enjoy being around the Young Women and other sisters from the Stake.

For the bike ride and camp we had two vehicle incidents. On the way to the bike ride the car just in front of us discovered their engine overheating and pulled over, so we did too. Turned out that they had a hole in the line for the radiator and they actually had nothing in the radiator. We hadn’t gone far, so we turned around and went back to the Church and switched out vehicles with another van. It put us about an hour behind schedule though so that was a longer day than we had thought it would be. We were grateful that it happened however because as we moved forward to get where we could turn around we realized that there was a rollover about where we would have been had we not pulled over when we did. We were so thankful for prayer let me tell you. On the way to Girls’ Camp my car wouldn’t start initially because the motor for my air shocks killed my battery. After we got it jump started we were doing well for about a half hour when all of sudden I couldn’t see the van behind me anymore. I slowed way down and then pulled over. After waiting for quite some time and still not seeing the van, I decided to call. Luckily I had the cell number of the other driver. I wasn’t entirely sure I had before then. It turned out that as she was driving down the road her rear left tire literally rolled off the van and she had pulled over just in time-she was literally sitting on her rear axle. We were delayed 2.5 hours that time, but again all were safe and it worked out in the end. We were so thankful that the Lord was watching over us. Amazingly nobody was hurt, the van was able to be repaired pretty easily (there was no major damage at all) and we were able to get new transportation figured out fairly quickly and be on our way again. It was a crazy beginning to camp though!

While I was at Girls’ camp the scouts were at scout camp. Andrew took them up on Sunday and then came home and then went back up on Friday and stayed the night before coming home on Saturday with the boys. At around 2am they had a storm come through and some of the boys and Andrew got quite wet. Andrew hadn’t put up his rain fly thinking he wouldn’t need it. That same storm swept east and took out power all along the way, it has yet to be completely fixed.

I have decided to reread “The Work and the Glory” series by Gerald N. Lund. I loved the series the first time and since I own it I thought I would reread it this summer. I had hoped to finish before Youth Conference, which begins in about a week. I just finished the 4th of nine volumes yesterday however so I seriously doubt that I’ll be able to finish the other five in a week. I should explain that better. I began reading the first part of June and have finished four books now, but not nearly enough to meet my goal. That’s really not that big of a deal to me though. I had started rereading to better remember those things that happened in early Church history, but specifically Nauvoo. We are going there for Youth Conference. I won’t finish that part before we go to Youth Conference, but that’s all right because either way I will better appreciate the sacrifice of the Saints.

Andrew is loving his new position at work. He is almost excited to go to work each day. It has been a huge blessing in our lives. He just found out from a new HR person from corporate that after he has been functioning in this position for about a year and they (the company) like his performance they will pay his tuition for schooling for as much schooling as he wants to obtain. This is fantastic news for us in several ways. One of which is that tuition will be paid for. The 2nd is that he is attending a program where books are included as part of tuition which means they are really paying for all of it. It’s so fantastic to see the blessings of the Lord in that area of our lives. We only hope that they will give up and make him permanent instead of temporary soon. They already told him that as long
as they have work he will be there, and that they aren’t about to run out of work because
there is plenty enough for two people, but we’d like it to more official than that.

On the 21st or 22nd I took Krissy in to get her nails trimmed. We have been grinding them at home, but she doesn’t want us to and was getting quite cranky about it. We weren’t able to finish, so I took her in. I got to see my good friend while there and later that day she called and asked if we’d like a couple of bunnies for free. I talked with Andrew and then Megan and of course Megan wanted them and promised to take care of them. I called back and said we’d take them. We picked them up on the 23rd and then Megan and I left for camp two days later. Megan wasn’t sure she wanted them by the time we came home from camp, she had a hard time adjusting to the fact that they weren’t quite what she expected. I wouldn’t let her back out of a commitment so easily though so she still has the rabbits. Their names are Johnny and Allie.

We thought we had sold some old chickens to another small business, but she never showed up to take the chickens. So now we still need to get rid of some chickens and will sell them whole to whomever wants them. We are hoping several people will want them. I don’t have room for 15 chickens in my freezer I will tell you that. I am glad that some have stopped laying and will be gone though because the longer we have the chickens the less I enjoy the eggs. We just have too many for my taste. I could be happy with two at this point. Two eggs a day was plenty back before we had chickens. I didn’t use two every day, but it averaged out to about that number.

The last piece of news is that we got a 2nd car in June. We looked around quite a bit and found an Infinite I30 which is a nicer version of the Nissan Altima. It took quite a bit of work to finally get it, but now we have it and are glad for it. Having two cars makes things so much easier. We are hoping to have it paid off early fall this year. Andrew discovered it needs several major repairs, which we didn’t know before we bought it. He will be able to do most of the work himself, but while we go to Youth Conference he has to take it in for some welding that needs to be done. Since he doesn’t have a welder, we will take it to somewhere that does. I don’t remember exactly what it was, but the engine mounts are all gone I think and so they will be lifting the engine back where it belongs and installing a bar to keep it there. It will be worth it in the end if we can get the car to last at least three years which I think we’ll be able to do pretty easily.

Well I think that’s it for this month.

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